Are you truly getting “Leadership Buy-in” as a Leader?

Getting “Leadership Buy-in” for a Leader can often prove difficult. I hear regularly, “They know what’s required, I couldn’t have been clearer”, “There seems to be resistance, but I’ve no idea why?”, or “There is a real lack of enthusiasm or engagement or something?”. Sound familiar? Both Leadership and team members can struggle to understand and explain why getting buy-in can prove elusive. The focus tends to be on “What” is expected from them. They examine the virtues of “what” they ought to be doing, but that’s not the place where the “Leadership Buy-in” is lost.

Most Leaders know “What” to do to improve performance. Experience, expertise, knowledge of their sector, and intellect, allow them to examine challenges and come up with alternative solutions. They became Leaders as a result of these skills. But Leadership Skills are different. A good Leader is expected to get “Leadership Buy-in” from their followers. Because without followers, who will you lead? Therefore, the “What” we should do, becomes less important than the “How” we get them to do it.

“What” to do is less important than “How” we do it:

A Leader who needs to be the cleverest in the room is not very clever. It’s where personal ego trumps leadership strategy. If the role of a Leader is to lead, then he needs to create followers, right? This is where switching perspectives can help. Place yourself in the shoes of a follower. Now hear someone tell you “What” we need to do. How do you feel? Are your needs met? Do you feel valued, appreciated, special, important, ownership, a contributor, excited, committed, etc? What words would you use to describe how you would feel if you didn’t get the opportunity to contribute? If you only got to do as instructed? To simply “task execute” on a daily bases? Would you be enthusiastically engaged? Would I get your “Leadership Buy-in”?

Now consider a more inclusive approach. Where the Leader is focused on “How”, not “What”. This time they present a challenge or objective, not the solution. Together you get to discuss where we would like to be, where we are “here & now”, and contribute some options to be considered to “bridge the gap”. Together you get to debate the pros and cons and select a different approach to trial as a solution. Now how do you feel? Are your needs met? Do you feel valued, appreciated, special, important, ownership, a contributor, excited, committed, etc? Would I get your buy-in?

Be a Leader, not an unintentional Egotistic Dictator:

Nobody intends to be a Dictator. But when we become frustrated, lack patience, have a good idea, or don’t consider the follower’s perspective, we can often act like one. Remember, the key responsibility of a Leader is to create followers. “There is no one of us cleverer than all of us” and you won’t lose your idea, by listening to the ideas of others. A great Leader shrinks their ego, considers their follower’s perspective, and shows patience for the process of “How” they get “Leadership Buy-in”. To build a strong, committed, and engaged team, we all need to get “Leadership Buy-in”. Who would you like to follow? An Egotistical Dictator or a Consultative Leader.

What’s your experience, I’d love to know. Comment below to share your perspective.

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