Redundancy – Covid-19 – Change Management Tip:

Often Difficult & Never Easy, but Always an Opportunity.

Change within any organisation is a time of “Raised Emotions“. Often the Management Team, who are responsible for implementation, chooses to ignore this. This is in an attempt to put forward the cold business rationale behind the decision. But is this the best way to handle this situation for all concerned? Let’s consider both perspectives.

As an example, we’ll take a situation where a large Life Insurance Company requires some redundancies. It plans to close some local offices and require some of the remaining staff to change roles within the business.  

The “Traditional Approach”.

Using the traditional Management approach, staff will be aware that decisions are imminent and that Management will be discussing these behind closed doors. Eventually, like in the Vatican, white smoke will appear. Department Heads may be informed first and then the news will be delivered to everyone together afterwards. “As you will all be aware, due to pressures caused by the current economic environment, and through no fault of the effort of the people in this room, we are being forced to implement changes. This is to protect the business going forward …. etc etc etc”. This may include a presentation detailing the current issues as viewed by Management and an outline of the proposed solution. The meeting is often broken into several sub-meetings which allows each dept head and his/her team to convey the management’s position. They will also be expected to maintain the company line.

How is it for those people who have to deliver the news? But what about the people losing their jobs? Those being asked to take up different responsibilities and those being asked to move location may also feel some trepidation? Even those who have escaped unscathed will have emotions about it and have formed opinions. So how would you feel? Might it causes suspicion and a loss of trust? You see, even those who survive the cull may become unhappy for others or about the transparency of the project. Because within the silence that’s created by a void of information, it can cause them to wonder ….. “who is next?”.The emotional side of “Change” will never be avoided, merely postponed. So my advice is simple, apply the Golden Rule and “do unto others as you would have others do unto you”.

Using perspective to deliver a more “Considered Appoach”.

By having open discussions and involving everyone you can help people prepare for the “Change”. This also helps encourage them to engage in the process. But don’t we risk losing a valued person through the open discussion process? Might they not panic and opt to join a competitor? No. Because experience would suggest that through keeping communication lines open, we are only likely to lose those whose positions were actually at risk, to begin with. Those valued people become reassured through the process. They rise to the occasion, as a result, and they actually make the process easier. They often end up making even stronger contributions throughout the consultation period and feel like part of the solution. As we know from an earlier post on Leadership, when people contribute to a plan, they feel a stronger sense of ownership and responsibility to delivering that plan.

Rise to the challenge and make it an Opportunity.

So handled right, Redundancy is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the employer. When done right it can create advocates of those who leave, because it was fair and open. This builds even stronger trust and commitment with those who remain. To coin a phrase of Brian Tracey’s, if you can -“Eat that Frog”, it’ll make for a more understanding, creative and cohesive team. Both before, during and after the “Change”.

Damian Shields is a Performance Coach and the owner of Focus2Succeed. He works with Leaders & Teams to help them “Get their world in Focus & Design their future”. To find out more go to You can contact Damian @ or on 00353 (86) 2512421


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