“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”. –Albert Einstein
Basically, to solve our problems, we need to change how we think about them. It’s our Beliefs, not our Situations, that we need to change. Changing our Beliefs from Negative to Positive shifts our potential from being Self-Limited to Empowered.
Here is the logic.
Perception Vs Reality:
How we view circumstances depends on the glasses we have on. (ie Rose Tinted Vs Shit Stained). If you were in a car crash and broke both of your legs, were you lucky or unlucky? The circumstance remains constant, but our perception/interpretation will differ depending on our outlook/beliefs.
Your Paradigm:
This is the lens through which you are looking at the world 🌎. Do you need to change your glasses 🤓?
Where does our Paradigm come from?
Our Beliefs influence how we see the world at any particular moment in time. How would you view the car crash when you Believed you were unlucky? And when you Believed you were lucky? Same circumstances though, right?
Where do our Beliefs come from?
Our Beliefs are conditioned in our Subconscious brain over time. Previous experiences (real or imagined), are stored in our brains filling cabinet 🗄 (our Subconscious). Sometimes we check them before filing them, but often we don’t. So we can harbor Beliefs that are inaccurate and limit our actions. (eg They wouldn’t want to have dinner with me. So we don’t ask, or I can’t give up smoking because I’ve tried and failed. So we don’t try).
How do Beliefs influence our Actions/Behaviours?
When something happens we search our filing cabinet (sub-conscious mind) for a file from similar circumstances. Then we react by “running that program” automatically, without even thinking. We use the old Belief system to view the current circumstances. Beliefs determine our Actions, which determine our Results (Beliefs> Actions>Results).
Example: “I will never be successful and HAPPY unless I work tirelessly, earn loads of money, and get a career with growth potential” Unquestioned, it goes into your Subconscious as a Belief. Now, when we are challenged in a similar area (job, money, career etc.), our default is to feel negative about the situation and it stops us from putting our best foot forward.
Yet, if you “check” this Belief, you can change it. “Is that true?”. “Would I be happy killing myself working, earning loads of money and having a high-flying career?”. Yes, you would gain in some areas, but what would you need to sacrifice? Would the juice be worth the squeeze? Which is more valuable to you? Job, Money, Career Vs Health, Love & Happiness? Don’t try and convince yourself, simply “walk it forward”. Where would I be? What would I miss? What would I gain? What do I want for myself? Now you are free to choose without a wrongly held belief holding you back.
Can we change our Beliefs?
Yes. But first, you need to understand how they were formed and check them. Often we can find that they are wrongly held. Like in the car accident example above or a suicidal person who Believes that everyone would be better off without them. But if they could see the pain it brings to their loved ones afterward, or could see the Love that others have for them, or believe that they could get beyond their current difficulties? We have limited control over our circumstances, yet total control over how we view them. Create positive empowering beliefs to make the shift.
Catastrophising: Worrying about what might happen?
“Yesterday’s history, Tomorrow’s a mystery, but Today’s a gift, that’s why they call it the present.” Choose to be happy today. Happy with where you are, with the experiences that have made you, and with your plans for the future. Everything else is an illusion, a perspective on Reality. Only “Here & Now” actually matters. Choose to hold positive beliefs. Choose to view things differently. Above all the decisions you make today, create your tomorrow. So check your beliefs, put on your “Rose Tinted Glasses” and when it comes to forming beliefs, “Choose Wisely”. Because whether you choose positive or negative beliefs –“Where your Focus goes, your energy flows”.