Working with Focus2Succeed

Begins with Leadership Accountability. 

As Leaders, we’ve got to sign up to our teachings. We’ve got to walk our talk. We can’t expect people to do as we say and not see a contradiction if what we actually do is different. So we’ve got to be both Authentic & Accountable.


My Core Values:

Honesty, Authenticity, Hard Work, Clients Agenda (front & centre), ROI & Mutually Valued Partnerships. These are the Core Values that I use to deliver the service. I consider them non-negotiable.


Clients will know that partnering with Focus2Succeed has enhanced their success and added genuine value. We’ll have helped “Map Out” & “Fast-tracked” their Success. We’ll have helped them get clarity, forward think, action now and constantly manage stakeholder expectations.

Sweep the sheds:

We will always speak to individuals at any level of a Client’s business from C-Suite to Operations, who are curious about contributing and improving the overall business performance. 


Clarity of role:

It’s our role to challenge thinking and then help you map out the path to success. Get clarity around the Vision > Beliefs > Actions > Results. At the very minimum, we need to help you and the team keep learning and moving forward. 


We’ll help establish the “What it looks like when it’s a Success” picture. Identify the “Here & Now”. Map out the steps required to complete the journey and add in “Checkpoints” along the way. We will regularly review meeting minutes, client’s notes and progress since our last meeting. We will also use check-ins, as agreed with Management, to reinforce it as a priority, provoke action and to deliver progress. 

Courageous Conversation:

We must agree to be forthright and courageous when it comes to challenging each other and drilling down for truths. We must also be willing to say what needs to be said and to accept those conversations as being healthy and key to growth . 

(Change, Embrace it.)

Growth Mindset:

We will allow our Curiosity to find new or better ways to coach and do business. Continuous personal and professional development will help us open up options. Keep learning and keep moving forward. 

Breathe, Be in the Moment:

Connect with each other and give our stated objectives genuine focus. Listen to each other at level III and dance with ideas and suggestions to unlock blocked areas of resistance that we were unaware existed. We will hear & see, the said & unsaid, and challenge same. 

We’re Holistic Beings: Performance Trinity > Family & Friends, Health and Work:

We are holistic beings. We need to keep the balance in our lives. Family & Friends, Healthy Lifestyle Choices and Managing our Workloads is therefore essential. Some Structural Framework will help in all these areas, in particular around work. Unhappy staff will “quit & go”, or worse, “quit & stay”.



It’s important that we know our purpose. My purpose is to help clients to identify their purpose, to see and feel what success looks like to them, and identify a clear pathway to achieve same. We manage Mindset via Vision > Beliefs > Actions > Results. Being able to see the win/win benefits of the work is essential, it align everyone’s expectations and helps unlock discretionary effort.

Make it their Challenge:

We need to identify clearly the collective goals and pass on the baton of responsibility to ensure that everyone understands the win/win potential and the importance of self efficacy in making it happen. PRIDE in Performance is key (Personal Responsibility In Delivering Excellence).

Flying V. (Think Peloton):

It’s not all about “ME” being “the leader”. It’s about our willingness to step up and play our part in Leadership. Will you step up when you’re team needs you? Are you willing to accept responsibility? I promise to be the Coach you need when I’m needed.  


Hard Work:

It requires hard work. For me that entails minuting meetings, reframing & emphasising the agreed actions, and a high level of ongoing communication. Actioning the actions however, is the fundamental key to change and that must come from the client.

“Knowledge is NOT Power > Knowledge ACTIONED is Power”.

Performance = Capability x Behaviour.

We will lead by example. Using the limiting nature of “Time” to power the change. We’ll work to achieve performance improvements within an agreed timeframe and partnering with Leaders in your Business we’ll deliver mutually agreed Objectives within a timeframe. 

(Thanks for your Curiosity).

I hope this gives you a clearer understanding of how I partner with Clients. It’s not about delivering “course content” to businesses, in a traditional “Pay & Pray” format. Where the focus is on the delivery of mostly generic leadership/management tools or skills, and there implementation is the sole responsibility of the individuals themselves. 

Rather, it’s a direct response to a specifically identified issue, where we partner to “Invest, Involve & Ignite” it’s people to improve performance in a specific area. We give them the issues and make them part of the solution. They agree to make changes to attempt to deliver clearly targeted Performance Improvements. 

If you’d like to discuss it further, to see if we’d be a good partnership, you can contact me on the email or mobile below. 

Kind regards,


Damian Shields is a Performance Coach and the owner of Focus2Succeed. He works with Leaders & Teams to help them “Get their world in Focus & Design their future”. To find out more go to You can contact Damian @ or on 00353 (86) 2512421


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